Incidentally, I may come across as interested
only in classical music(true) but popular
music is the same way. Anyone watch the Country Music
awards show(you cannot get more grass roots popular than that).
See a lot of country music singers doing antiphonal calling
from all over the auditorium? Or did you see a bunch of
people on stage in front? I did not watch myself,
but if there were a lot of the former I would be amazed.

Spatial music has a place in the world, just as does
12 tone row music and aleatoric music and a lot of other
things that came and went(12 tone did pretty well for itself
for a while, but times change). But most music is still
in front. And it is likely to stay there.

Whatever one thinks of how things ought to be, if a
system is ever going to enter the mainstream , it
needs to be offering something that lots of people want.
Stereo took off because it sounded enough better
that people did not mind the doubling up of everything.

Personally I think that some sort of surround is worthwhile,
because one likes feeling immersed, if only in ambience.
Ambisonics is probably the best way to do this. Or maybe
not. But my point is that the general public is not given
a chance to find out!

And offbeat recordings of peculiar music that not very
many people will ever hear is not how one is going to reach the

Wny don't Ambisonics people do show demos?


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