Hi Robert,
   Umm - I was making exactly the opposite point - invented in the
16th century makes it, as far as music is concerned, a very new
concept. On the other hand,when talking about  "acoustic _concert_
music", it's almost tautologous that they are frontally presented,
because the whole concept of a musical concert was invented at the
same time, probably as a way of making money (I haven't researched
that, it's just a guess) - it's much more difficult to make money from
an audience who can just walk away without embarrassing themselves -
and if you don't believe that (the fear of) embarrassment is not a
strong driver, just watch an inexperienced western audience at the end
of a Gamelan concert trying to get up the courage to actually leave
the concert _during_ the ending piece :-) . Actually, talking about
Gamelan, that's a case in point - in the West (and probably
increasingly in it's home countries) Gamelan is usually presented
frontally (even we usually do that) but this is _not_ correct


On 2 April 2012 16:34, Robert Greene <gre...@math.ucla.edu> wrote:
> It may be old but it is still all but universal
> in acoustic concert music.
> I think it is disingenuous to say that it is not.
> How many symphony concerts have you been to
> recently where the orchestra surrounded the audience.
> The other way around, sure.
> But I think this is just not true, that music
> with the musicians around the audience is common.
> Not in the statistical sense of percentage of
> concerts where it happens.
> Robert
> On Mon, 2 Apr 2012, Dave Malham wrote:
>> Right on - as I've said before, frontal  music is largely a development of
>> 16th century Western civilisation and is not universal, even now.
>> By the way, be careful about the Gabrielli's in St. Marks - there is at
>> least some evidence that separate choirs singing antiphonally were _not
>> _used at St Mark's (see Bryant, D. "The Cori Spezzati of St. Mark's: Myth
>> and Reality" in Early Music History, Cambridge 1981, p169).
>>  Dave
>> On 01/04/2012 10:20, Paul Hodges wrote:
>>> --On 31 March 2012 18:34 -0700 Robert Greene <gre...@math.ucla.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Of course music exists that is  not in front. But the vast bulk of
>>>> concert music is not like that.
>>> Sure; but what proportion of music are we happy to be unable to reproduce
>>> properly?  My organ music (admittedly as much as 20% of my listening) was a
>>> trivial example - and it's only in combination with other things that it
>>> becomes spatially interesting, generally.  You mentioned Gabrieli and
>>> Berlioz in a slightly dismissive manner; I would add to them people like
>>> Stockhausen and Earle Brown, a folk group moving among their audience, a
>>> hall full of schoolchildren bouncing their sounds off each other from
>>> different parts of the hall.  Not all within the restricted form of "concert
>>> music", but music in the real world where we turn our heads and enjoy our
>>> whole environment.
>>> Paul
>> --
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Dave Malham
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