> Very much off topic is what follows.
> Just as a point of information, I think Hitler's election
> did not depend on fraud. I think he actually did have
> a lot of popular support at one point . Why is a complex
> question, but I believe he did, though of course
> he was not above fraud if fraud was needed.
Yes, when my children used to come home from 'ra-ra'
civics classes, I used to pose the question: "In 1945, of
Churchill, Hitler, Stalin and Truman, which were elected
as leader in a democratic election?"

> And it is quite true that the search engines, for all their
> remarkable power, do not promote in -depth study of things
> or issues. Too much piffle comes up too easily--if commercial
> interests are invovled
Shameless plug :
There is something called the "WWW Virtual Library" that aims to
give expert overviews of particular subjects on the Web.
(It actually started (by TBL) as a catalogue of the whole Web
Finding volunteers (and fighting off the commercialisation
attempts) is though increasingly difficult ;-(>


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