I don't have FB account and don't desire one, although I imagine this as glamorous (and maybe useful) as having a telephone line in 1970 for those who like it.

Hope the interesting things on surround sound published there come to us some other way.


Em 8/10/12 1:23 PM, Martin Leese escreveu:

In my case, the reason was elegantly
explained by Douglas Adams:

I've [Douglas Adams has] come up with a set
of rules that describe our reactions to
1.  Anything that is in the world when you're
     born is normal and ordinary and is just a
     natural part of the way the world works.
2.  Anything that's invented between when
     you're fifteen and thirty-five is new and
     exciting and revolutionary and you can
     probably get a career in it.
3.  Anything invented after you're thirty-five is
     against the natural order of things.
[From The Salmon of Doubt by Douglas Adams, 2002]

-- Martin J Leese E-mail: martin.leese stanfordalumni.org

Regis Rossi Alves Faria

University of Sao Paulo
 Music Dept - FFCLRP-USP
 14040-900 Ribeirao Preto - Brazil

 Audio Engineering and Coding Center
 Laboratory of Integrable Systems
 05508-010 Sao Paulo - Brazil
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