umashankar manthravadi wrote:

> i am wondering if we cannot produce HRTFs the way the first produced
> spectacle lenses. one needs to look at the range of variations in HRTFs and
> what actually varies from person to person and produce a dozen or so hrtfs.
> people can just try them and stick with the one they like. a real time,
> streaming b-format to binaural programme into which the hrtf can be plugged
> in is all that will be needed.  umashankar

Ah, but which dozen or so HRTFs?  Somehow,
you have to reduce the very large "space" of
possible HRTFs to one that is more

A proprietary attempt at this was the system
by Sensaura.  In their system, you selected
an HRTF by specifying only head size, ear
size, concha depth, and concha type.  The
system was marketed at game consoles, but
seems to have died.

Martin J Leese
E-mail: martin.leese
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