Dear list,

On the topic of creating a reduced set of HRTFs from a large database and on
learning non-individual HRTFs, I would like to (shamelessly) promote two
studies we carried out a few years ago looking at exactly these questions:

        B. Katz and G. Parseihian, “Perceptually based head-related transfer
function database optimization,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 131, no. 2, pp.
EL99–EL105, 2012, doi:10.1121/1.3672641. (free on-line)
        G. Parseihian and B. Katz, “Rapid head-related transfer function
adaptation using a virtual auditory environment,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol.
131, no. 4, pp. 2948–2957, 2012, doi:10.1121/1.3687448.

I can also point you towards a recent direction of interest with regards to
HRTF ratings. I think experiment, in addition to the 7 from the above study
and some other HRTFs, there were also 2 HRTF pairs of the same people,
measured several years apart. The similarity of the ratings of these HRTFs
gives some insight, and we are currently extending this study on general
repeatability of HRTF perceptual ratings. 

        A. Andreopoulou and B. F. G. Katz, “On the use of subjective HRTF
evaluations for creating global perceptual similarity metrics of assessors
and assessees,” in 21st International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD),
pp. 13–20, 2015, 

Best regards,

-Brian FG Katz
Brian FG Katz, Ph.D, HDR
Research Director, Resp. Groupe Audio & Acoustique
LIMSI, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay
Rue John von Neumann
Campus Universitaire d'Orsay, Bât 508
91405 Orsay cedex 
Phone. +  33 (0)1 69 85 80 67 - Fax.  +  33 (0)1 69 85 80 88    web_group:

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