On 02/20/2016 09:58 AM, Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:
On 02/20/2016 06:22 PM, Richard Graham wrote:
Hi Archontis,
Most importantly, I’d like to figure out how to calculate these
coefficients myself and I am having trouble finding literature on
how to do that. I have reached out to a few folks who used their own
programs to calculate coefficients. Essentially, I’d like to build
my own program in the C programming language.

Aaron Heller has a Matlab/Octave toolkit out that will generate matrices
for you, and it's completely open. But it relies on quite complex
functions of the framework... His solutions are used at CCRMA, to
great effect. Probably your best starting point.

ADT (Ambisonics Decoder Toolkit) can actually generate full proper decoders in Faust, which can then be compiled to pretty much anything - including straight C... I have been using Slepian style 3D decoders for our 12 + 8 + 4 + 1 setup compiled into SuperCollider UGens which are then incorporated into our custom diffusion system. Works very well, if I may say...

-- Fernando

Richard has one but keeps it proprietary, Fons has one but also doesn't
like to part with it (although he has been very generous about
generating custom Ambdec setups for people, me included).

For the nitty-gritty, check out the papers from recent Ambisonics
symposia and the ICSA conferences. Talk to Thomas Musil from Graz for
the old-school, lovingly hand-optimized matrix approach, or to Zotter et
al. for the All-Rad approach that works for arbitrary setups but is
quite complex and kind of brute-forceish. I can dig them up for you if
you can't find them.

Shortly, I will have access to a 16-channel ring on the horizontal
plane and a b-format cube. This system will be modular and
configurable into irregular setups, too.

nice! but unless you really need extremely high horizontal resolution
for research purposes or a truly humongous listening area, a better use
for all those speakers would be to make a more or less uniform 3D rig.
gets you a nice dodecahedron for full third-order all around.



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