Augustine Leudar wrote:

You can't just make up a new type of amplitude panning like that Stefan.
There is a process involved -  there has to be naming ceremony and at least
two research papers with fancy looking graphs in them. Tsk tsk.

Ok, fully agreed!

< Irony on >

I < could > have extended my MNNAP basic assumptions to microphone theory, but now I won't... :-X

I would have shown why it is hard to build some < dense > stereophonic microphone. It is basically a consequence of the scientific findings in my previous sursound posting... If some (now real) acoustical source shows up in too many < neighbouring/near > capsules, results ain't be pretty!

I tried to build some "naive" 22.2 mike to plot some "fancy looking graphs" which would have shown some amazing amount of X-talks between < non-neighbouring > capsules - explaining why the microphone was supposed to sound quite badly. (in listening tests. Double-blind, comparing to 5.1 mikes and old quad recordings...Especially the quad recordings didn't show any significant < non-neighbouring > X-talk!)

After all, the 22.2 mike prototype didn't sound too bad. I couldn't prove my theory and had to stop this project...

This happens if practice doesn't comply w/ theory... I couldn't publish some paper, because some practical application should not have worked - and yet did!

Not good...      :-D

< Irony off >



On 10 January 2017 at 23:19, Stefan Schreiber <> wrote:

Fons Adriaensen wrote:

On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 09:23:47PM +0000, Stefan Schreiber wrote:

If you use amplitude panning between more than 2 (2D) or 3 (3D/VBAP)
speakers, you could run into some trouble. Including X-talk between
more than 2 speakers in the horizont. plain... (same phantom source)

This might lead to quite messy ITD and ILD problems.

So I believe it could make a lot of sense to apply amplitude panning
to the exact minimum amount of speakers you would need to produce
some phantom image effect. Which means 2 speakers in the 2D case, 3
in the 3D case.

This was actually proven wrong long ago, and it is what Ambisonic
decoding gets right.

Nice, because I didn't reproduce anthing and just made up my own little
theory about "minimum neighbour number amplitude panning". (MNNAP.)



It's really similar to what happens if you interpolate between
samples using only the two nearest ones.

Two <nearest neighbour samples>, see above!   ;-)
Not 1, not 5...

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