On 04/23/2018 04:24 AM, jack reynolds wrote:
The new coresound octomic is based on two tetramics, with one rotated 45
degrees from the other,

Hmm, does not look like that to me. If you, for example, take any two opposite capsules in the upper ring as part of one tetrahedral microphone, there are no capsules in the lower ring that would match the lower half of that microphone (they are rotated 45 degrees from where they should be).

-- Fernando

so if you could work out how the second order
B-format is extracted from the octomic array, you could potentially take an
A-format reponse with your tetramic, rotate the mic 45 degrees and capture
another, then process all eight channels?
Just a thought.


On 23 April 2018 at 11:51, Bo-Erik Sandholm <bosses...@gmail.com> wrote:

Have never used Max, I need just 2, but probably 4 sound source positions
and one listening position.
But the listening position should have full spherical  ambisonic
But the result should be ambisonic IR's for these 4 sources.

The question is could upsampling be used ?

BR Bo-Erik

2018-04-23 10:47 GMT+02:00 Hyunkook Lee <h....@hud.ac.uk>:

Indeed HIRT is the best IR capture package for Max.  There is also HAART,
which is a standalone Max application we developed using HIRT. This
software is all in one box for multichannel IR capture (24 mics x 24
sources), acoustic parameter analysis and binauralisation. The analysis
part is still under development, but the IR capture and binauralisation
parts are fully working. You can download it here


Also as Pierre mentioned, we captured over 2000 IRs of 39 multichannel
array configurations from stereo to 9ch 3D using HAART. The library comes
with a Max renderer where you can convolve dry sources or signals fed
DAW with the mic array IRs for simultaneous comparisons between


Dr Hyunkook Lee, BMus(Tonmeister), PhD, MAES, FHEA
Senior Lecturer in Music Technology
Leader of the Applied Psychoacoustics Laboratory (APL)
Phone: +44 (0)1484 471893
Email: h....@hud.ac.uk
Office: CE 2 /14a
School of Computing and Engineering
University of Huddersfield
United Kingdom

From: Sursound [sursound-boun...@music.vt.edu] on behalf of Pierre
Alexandre Tremblay [tremb...@gmail.com]
Sent: 23 April 2018 09:29
To: Surround Sound discussion group
Subject: Re: [Sursound] RIR measuring, how to capture a higher order
Ambisonic room responce?

If you use Max, try the very versatile HIRT.

2nd order with a tetramic is not possible as far as I am aware through…
have done (mega)multimic IRs (24 channels of inputs, of which a 1st order
ambisonic) of 3 different spaces with our kit, and it was fun and
productive to train the ear on difference of multichannel mic techniques
(Hyunkook Lee has a cool setup and papers on them, and I was mostly
interested in DPA LCR omni vs coincident vs MS)

We did many stage positions too. I can investigate if I can share the
files if that interests anyone.


On 23 Apr 2018, at 08:37, Bo-Erik Sandholm <bosses...@gmail.com>

I want to measure the RIR of a medium size good listening room at least
to second order Ambisonic RIR.

The IR result is to incorporate the responce and reflections of the
speakers and their positions.

I have a tetramic.

Can several measurements and rotation of the tetra mic between them be
combined to create the measurements that comes closer to a second order

I know the basics of using Audacity, and a audio sweep and creating a
from this.

Bo-Erik Sandholm
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