Stunning discussion here!

Now this is why it makes sense to keep your sursound membership...  😎



Citando Politis Archontis <>:

By the way one could actually use only one microphone, measure the RIR, rotate it to another point, repeat the measurement, and make a virtual array of hundreds or thousands of points for high-order RIR recording. This has actually been done and the work published by Boaz Rafaely and his research group.


 Archontis Politis

On 23 Apr 2018, at 20:31, Bo-Erik Sandholm <> wrote:

 As I see it to capture the signals for the upper layers of octomic with a

 tetra mic you rotate the mic 90 degrees between the takes..

 To capture the lower octomic  elements layer go back to initial position,

 then rotate Tetra mic 45 degrees and then 90 degrees for 2  recordings.

 So 4 rotation direction to place the tetra mic elements in same positions

 as the 8 Octomic capsules.

 select the 8 A signals that corresponds to the octomic positions...

 Then get our hands on the octomic software if possible and hopefully

 translate the tetramic calibration file in to a octomic calibration file,

 might be possible.

 This has only a chance to work for IR measurements and if the rotation of

 the tetramic is done without moving the center point of the mic head.

 I hope this is possible, it should be a great new use of a tetramic to be

 able with a little work to create second order room Impulse responses.


2018-04-23 19:10 GMT+02:00 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <>



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