On 2002-03-26 [EMAIL PROTECTED] <Anthony J. Albert> said:

   >Another thought occurs to me.  If perhaps the monitor doesn't work
   >"right" in 25-line mode, it could be changed to 43 line or 50 line
   >modes, to see if that does the trick. You need to load the ANSI.SYS
   >driver in CONFIG.SYS with:
   >DEVICE=C:\DOS\ANSI.SYS   (change the path as appropriate)
   >And then you can experiment at the command line with:
   >MODE CON:lines=43
   >MODE CON:lines=50

Since I've got PC DOS 3.3 installed on this system, it only allows me
to change the width and not the number of lines with ANSI.SYS installed
and the MODE command.

My problem is that this system has 5.25" and 3.5" floppy drives, but the
5.25" drive is the default boot drive.  The CMOS doesn't allow me to
alter the boot sequence to cause the 3.5" drive to be the default -- and
my 3.5" PC DOS 5 disks don't allow installation from the B drive -- unless
I'm mistaken.  Perhaps I can try to figure that problem out later... it's
getting late, and I'll think better on a good night's rest. :-)

Jerry... on his COMPAQ PORTABLE II -- #4 | My laptop computer's a
*****    14.4kbps/42MB HD/640k RAM/8 MHz | Tandy TRS-80 Model 100

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