Hi Pavel,

Thanks for the response.  Does it matter that its 2.6.18-rc4 and not 2.6.18-rc3?  I compiled rc3 a while ago and just tried it out and didn't get a significant improvment.  Specifically, suspending to ram using powersave still takes about 30 seconds to resume and suspending to disk doesn't seem to work at all (which I'll try to debug).  I even used the new version of suspend downloaded from sourceforge (which doesn't go through powersave) and it still takes ~30 seconds to come back to life.  Should I be expecting 2-4 seconds resume time from ram (someone else on this list told me they could get that)?

I also notice that when I suspend to ram if I stare at the screen from different angles I can still see some faint characters in the background which makes me think that at some level the screen is not completley off.  I see this with the open source radeon driver (I'm not sure if it also happens with the proprietary ATI driver).

Does the s2ram with the new kernel work fast (e.g. < 10 seconds) and effectively (use very little battery) for everyone or are others have similar problems?


On 8/8/06, Pavel Machek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>    I'm using the stock suspend with SLED 10 (which seems to be almost the
>    same RPM as in Suse 10.1 - suspend-20060406-9.8).
>    S2RAM reports the following on my machine:
>    This machine can be identified by:
>        sys_vendor   = "Sony Corporation"
>        sys_product  = "VGN-A190(UC)"
>        sys_version  = "C0003EL3"
>        bios_version = "R0030F1"
>    I would like to report a limited amount of success using s2ram and
>    standard suspend-to-disk on this machine.  Limited because, perhaps
>    one time out of five, the machine just hard locks when it wakes up
>    from a suspend to disk or ram.  I am using the proprietary ATI drivers
>    ( 8.27.18) and suspend is still relatively stable.

Eh, just don't use proprietary drivers.

>    I have noticed a few other problems with suspending:
>    1. Suspend to ram still uses battery at about 50% the normal rate,
>    even when suspended!  The laptop also stays very warm when
>    suspended.

Find out which parts produce the heat... then fix those drivers.

>    2. Both suspends take a long time to wake up from (and aren't very
>    fast at suspending).  It take perhaps 30 seconds to resume from ram
>    and more from disk.

Try with 2.6.18-rc4-vanilla.

>    3. Even after resuming from RAM the disk sometimes doesn't come online
>    immediately.  I can run some commands but commands that access the
>    disk like 'ls' stall the machine for 10-20 more seconds until I hear
>    the disk spin up and everything goes back to normal.
>    I have some questions that I hope someone can help me with:


>    1. Is it normal for s2ram to use so much battery when suspended or is
>    this specific to my machine?

Specific to your machine -- but we are eating too much power on many
machines. See radeon problems on thinkpads.

>    2. Might the battery usage during s2ram have to do with my display
>    driver?  Maybe its not powering down properly?

That's probable cause.

>    3. Is it possible that upgrading to the new version, as explained by
>    Pavel below, could fix these issues?
>    4. Would it be useful to just upgrade the suspend user tools or do I
>    have to also update the kernel?

You need new kernel, not new s2disk.
(english) http://www.livejournal.com/~pavelmachek
(cesky, pictures) http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~pavel/picture/horses/blog.html

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