Jerry - See question at end please...

Automobile conversion to solar power comes in more forms than just EV, and
in the SVO case, the plant oils act as an energy-dense, convenient, safe,
renewable, biodegradable, CO2-neutral  solar energy capture / carrier that
can be packed into a very  inexpensive, small tank that is at (more or less)
ambient temperature and pressure.

The conversion takes hours instead of weeks and costs hundreds instead of
thousands. The system can easily be swapped over to another car if you
trade. The fueling is done at home, similar to charging the EV. The SVO
diesel needs to be plugged in winter, so EV'ers can get that "plug it in"
feeling at least part of the year.  ;-)

You can do it right now, and get on with driving the thing, instead of
talking about it.

But you have to be able to stand listening to a diesel. :-)

For a limited budget and ease of conversion, it is hard to beat an older VW
on SVO. If more to spend, the EV/APU/SVO combo would be very nice.

A small diesel in the back, as in GM's concept PNGV car, would be nice, to
cut the noise down.

"Or an APU of 6hp/ 1,000# gets you unlimited range
at 100 mpg. "

Do you do this? Is that 1000 watts? What is the EV system voltage/vehicle
type, weight, etc. that you charge with such an APU that you get unlimited
range out of it?

Ed B.

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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