
You wrote:

> Craig - You are covering your bets as best you can. The 2 micron filter will
> be difficult to clean, from my discussion with a Racor distributor it will
> be impossible - they gave up on them, even at 10 microns, and expense and
> that problem sent them back to paper filter media.

Are you speaking of the stainless mesh filters being impossible to clean - and
suggesting that only (disposable) paper elements should be used?

>  Let us know how it goes on that one. Also send info on the West Marine
> funnel system, it sounds interesting.

I'll see if I can find it on their website.

> I strongly suggest biodiesel for the start/stop fuel. The solvent effect
> will quite likely be  helpful. Or at least a very good premiumdiesel with
> some of the same attributes in the additive package.

Thanks for the tip. I like the added lubricity of biodiesel too.

> NO. Increasing injector pressure is not the same at all as turning up the
> pump!!
> Search the archives, someone recently posted a good message on this, but I
> forget the suggested pressure setting...can someone help us here? (it might
> have been on another list ???)

The German site that Steve posted suggested changing the injectors opening 
to approx.. 50 bar - on an Audi-WV Tdi engine anyway.

>  You have to pull the injectors and get the opening pressure set at a good
> diesel injection specialty shop. If you did that now, you'd also have good
> baseline information on the state of things before this exercise begins. Not
> a bad idea to do that anyway, even if no pressure adjusting done. Check
> opening pressure, spray pattern, cleanliness, function...also check
> compression of the engine while they are out. Then you can compare once a
> year or so.

Using the site suggested by someone else - sorry I forget who - I found a Bosch
factory authorized service center in Oakland - so I'm all set. And I like the 
of getting the baseline info by pulling the injectors now (and looking at them -
maybe even photographing them.)

> The lubricants we are introducing are Canola based, not soy based. They do
> not include motor oils at this time, and those that are made are being sold
> for gasoline engines, not diesels, as far as I know...diesel being more
> demanding (especially in its ability to hold soot particles in
> suspension...so here is a question...is the need as great  when on biodiesel
> or SVO??? Open question, I think.)

I would think not - less soot because of better combustion, and better 
lubricity of
the SVO or biodiesel making engine oil less critical. I'm sure Delo 400 or 
would possibly be better for the engine than plant-based, but I like the idea of
using no dinosaur- based nuthin' when ever possible. I could use synthetics, of

> I will post pictures etc. of the heaters (note these are NOT full heated
> fuel lines, but rather "inline" heaters), and the pad heaters for final
> filter and tank

The inline heaters are similar in function, then, to Racor's coolant 
fuel line heater - they heat the fuel only as it passes through or by a certain
point? So you'd pre-heat the fuel right before the injection pump ?(After first
heating it in the tank.) If so, don't you run the risk of finding quite viscous
fuel in the line between the tank and the heater?

> .... what we'll need...ahem....will be some advance orders from
> biodieselers, to get a decent price, so I may have to hold back on delivery
> just a bit to accumulate some orders. Will do our best to get it all in
> place very soon.

I'd love more detail, and JPEG's - I could well be an, ahem, early adopter.


> Ed B.
> www.biofuels.ca

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