--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, "csakima" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been thinking this for quite awhile now.  It's as if ( from an
> extremely
> BROAD point of view) GOVERNMENT and BIG BUSINESS have MERGED.  Into 
> sort-of-a "Global Employment .... The One-World-Company".  One 
that "owns
> the whole damn turf".   With Government simply degrading into sort 
of a
> "competition-crushing DEPARTMENT" of the "company".

And with little or no distinction as to which Party is 'in charge'. 
When an oppressive Tyranny is in charge, is there any real difference 
whether the Slave Master is left-handed or right-handed? The sting of 
the lash is the same.

> Now I know what you all think .... "it's not exactly like that"  
And you're
> right ..it's not.   However, think from the small businesses 
> Trying to get "into the market".  The EFFECT is the same.  And THAT 
is the
> point I'm trying to get across.

I think you have illustrated it clearly enough for most. Those who 
don't understand are likely to be incapable of understanding, whether 
that is through Mental insufficiencies or inabilties to see beyond  
preconceived notions supported by propaganda.

> I was trying to make a similar point in an earlier post about 
> "what America is turning into" ... versus WWII Hitler.   I compared 
> "cornerning the market of him being the boss" .... and modern 
> Homeland Security ... Total Info Awareness F (still don't remember 
what "F"
> stood for) .... Terrorist-findingWiretapping .... etc.   Someone
> counterposted by saying "modern America and WWII Hitler are WAY 
> ... you be quiet Curtis".   Well he's right!!  Modern America and 
> Germany ARE different.   Us and them ARE using different tactics.   
But what
> I'm proposing is that ... although different mechanisms are being 
used ....
> the EFFECTS .... the effects on both small businesses .... the 
> you and me as individuals ... the EFFECTS are the same.  Less 
> More monitoring by the incumbent in power on us individuals (and 
> businesses) on "what we are up to".   Monitoring if "possibly" 
we're in
> "striking range" of "replacing him in the power seat".  And so on.

I wouldn't limit that to the current occupant or his Partisan 
affiliations. Does it really matter which individual in a school of 
Piranhas is the Official Leader, or which Cancer cell started a Tumor 
> Tactics don't HAVE to be the same.  The effect is what counts.
> Concentration of power will always be ... concentration of power. 

Expending time and effort to determine which drop of water will be 
the one to kill you, while you are actively engaged in drowning, is a 
distraction of resources that would be better spent grasping at 

> Funny
> how, when the tactics change, nobody seems to recognize when we're 
on the
> same road.... again.

And as long as South Park, Talking Head 'News' services, Pro Sports 
etc. are on TV, few will watch the History channel, read a book or 
discuss any serious topics with their friends and neighbors in a 
knowledgeable manner. Hot Topics of discussion will continue to be 
Pro Sports and whatever topic Pop Culture TV has decided is deserving 
of a moments attention.

In our current situation, who wins the next election matters about as 
much as who won the Super Bowl. Some Coaches will be retired, some 
will be promoted, some of the Players will retire, a few new ones 
will come in, but the Game itself will continue next year, pretty 
much the same as it did this year.
> sigh,

Me too!
> Curtis


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