--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, murdoch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'll intersperse my comments.

> Motie:
> I thought your response to Mr. Fairanks seemed reasonable.  It 
isn't as though
> you are grumbling for handouts, but rather asking to be allowed to 
do business.

That is my position, which many seem to misinterpret as wanting some 
special treatment. I would be totally happy if we could simply all 
play by the same rules/regulations/laws.

> If only the rights of folks to do business were being protected.  
But under
> guise of being concerned about this, we see some people (e.g. the 
poster on the
> other local board) brushing aside the concern of some with 
complaints in favor
> of a seemingly oversimplified argument.

Actually, his type is pretty common. They puke out some totally 
ignorant drivel just to see who will agree with them, then (I'm 
speculating) they decide by a democratic majority vote that their 
opinion is factual, and someone with lesser numerical support is to 
be blocked from disagreement or refutations.
> In any case, a couple of years ago when Mr. Ventura was governor, I 
thought I
> read somewhere that he wanted to help out the Minnesota ethanol 
cause, but was
> tied-up because he was clearly against mandates, on principle, and 
so he had a
> problem with mandating a certain amount of ethanol use.  Sorry if 
this is
> inaccurate.

That is pretty accurate, and I agreed with him then and now. I will 
fully support widespread voluntary use, but I can't support a 
government mandate. Once government mandates something, it's required 
use is always going to raise the price to consumers, and will usually 
end with government sponsored semi-monopolies. Regulatory rules 
applied arbitrarily soon eliminate any serious competition. Newly 
empowered Bureaucrats deny or approve Permit applications as they see 
fit. Regulatory rules are enforced or waived on an arbitrary basis. 
> What was your opinion of his view and policies?  Did he seem to 
make an effort
> to promote what you thought were reasonable policies toward ethanol 

I agreed with most of his Policies, but he wasn't able to implement a 
lot of them, due to the Good Old Boy Network's influence on 
regulatory bureaucrats. The bureaucrats have basically taken over the 
running of the State, by deciding who gets approvals and who doesn't. 
Most of them are Democrat supporters, so anyone who has connections 
to the Democratic Party can get exemptions from regulations and have 
needed applications processed and approved in a timely fashion.

> Did you ever try to get an audience of any sort with him?  I bet if 
he knew a
> lot about your case he'd probably care a bit, even if he might fail 
to help as
> much as he thought he'd be able to do.

I never talked to him directly, but I talked to his personal 
assistant several times. There was little he could do with all the 
other problems on his plate at the time. The Bureaucracy is deeply 
> I saw him on Leno the other night and he is apparently about to 
have a
> nationwide TV show on MSNBC.  I don't have a strong opinion of 
him "for" or
> "against" but it seems clear that he has Presidential Aspirations 
at some point.
I see little chance of him being elected to President. He has too 
many enemies in both of the major Parties. There may be some minor 
differences between Repubs and Dems, but they are both on the side of 
totalitarian government and won't tolerate any opposition for long.

I see a change in the future, but I can't predict when it will occur, 
or what will be the trigger. I am certain it will be widespread. The 
grassroots level People are nearing their limits of tolerance, from 
Ruby Ridge and Waco, to Elian Gonzales, to the Klamath Basin farmers, 
to the Western States Loggers, to NRA members, to the Arizona Militia 
guarding the border, to the We the People Tax protest group, to Small 
Business owners.
Government Agencies are running amok with no regard to the 
Constitution or Laws. Judges won't enforce the Laws against Corporate 
or Government abuses, in clear and direct violation of their Oath of 
Office to uphold the Constitution.
Corruption and lawlessness abound within government Agencies, and the 
People have little legal recourse left.
The Patriot Act and Homeland Security Act are just a couple of the 
latest straws on the Camel's back.
I believe the plan for a totalitarian government has been planned 
for, well in advance of the present time. It's not been successfully 
implemented because the Second Amendment has not been totally 
disposed of, though it has been seriously infringed upon. I don't 
know what spark will light the tinderbox, but you'll know it when it 


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