Hi Gustl ;

> It  is  my sincere hope that given the internet and
> the possibility of
> communicating  with  others in other countries that
> we come to realize
> that people in general all want the same thing for
> themselves which is
> peace  and  enough.   Enough  food, shelter, work,
> friendship, safety.
> There  are  those few at the top who want it all and
> they are the ones
> who  manipulate  the  rest for their own ends.

People get the government they deserve.  You know here
in Thailand there is a king.  The Thai people really
love their king.  The winner of the first ever Olympic
gold medal for Thailand returned home and gave the
medal to the king!  Now I understand why.  Having
grown up in America, the concept of royalty was quite
foreign to me.  I was brought up to believe separation
of powers, democracy, etc. OF COURSE was the best way.
 Now I'm not so sure anymore.  There is a parliament
here, but when I see all the machinations,  the king
is by far the best of all of them.  

>  If we pay attention we can  see  this.   

Yes, a big IF.

> If  we don't then things will not
> change.  The blame
> game  is  not  the  best  thing for us to be
> playing.  

I hope it never appeared like I was blaming anyone. 

> It is better to
> recognize  that  every country has its good and bad
> points, its faults
> and  its  advantages.   No  country has the market
> cornered on good or
> evil.

Correct.  Not only that, but you never really know the
real story anyway after the media spins it for you. 
In the case we were discussing, there were huge
differences in the Chinese and US news accounts.  It
is quite useless and counterproductive to form strong
opinions on bs.  Normally I try to reject both sides
and just say "Stop fighting!".

> When  I  was  in  the  military I was in Naples,
> Italy and there was a
> certain  section  of  town  which  was  off  limits 
> because  it was a
> Communist  stronghold  and both the Italian and US
> authorities thought
> it  would be "dangerous" for a US serviceman to go
> there.  Of course I
> went  there  straight  away.  I sat down in a bar
> and ordered beer and
> the "commies" came up and started talking to me.  At
> first they were a
> bit  cautious  and hostile and we certainly had
> different views of how
> the  world  should  be  run  but we found common
> ground on what we all
> wanted  which  was  peace  and enough.  When the
> Italian police and US
> military  police  found  out  there was a serviceman
> in the place they
> tried  to  come in and take me out and arrest me but
> my "enemies", the
> "commies"  refused them admittance and hustled me
> out the back door to
> another  place  where  we  continued our
> conversation undisturbed.  No
> minds  were  changed  that  day  when it came to
> politics but a mutual
> understanding  and  respect  was achieved without
> violence and without
> strife.  It is possible.

What an excellent story!!  Quite unusual for people to
buck the norm like you did.  A Thai company has set up
a living area for some Cambodia migrant workers behind
my house.  The Thai people near me are all alarmed.  I
have a 6 year old daughter, and I routinely let her
stay at the poorest Cambodia house in the
neighborhood, a small one room wood shack with a tin
roof.  The lady there has two daughters about the same
age as my daughter.  The Thai people say it is
dangerous and think I am crazy and a bad father.  Oh
well.  I try to teach be example, but it ain't easy..

Are we all the same? Yes of course.  Do we want the
same things, peace, enough to eat, decent work?  Yes
of course.  Is this enough to change the world?  I
never miss an opportunity to try, but I don't bet on
it.  This is only my opinion.  Nothing personal.

> I  have  seen how far this list has come from a year
> ago and am amazed
> and  impressed.  We have had our disagreements and
> not everyone thinks
> the  same  but  with reason and tolerance we have
> become a pretty good
> family  unit  I  think.   Those  who  have  sought
> to disrupt the list
> because  of their own self interests and beliefs are
> gone in the main.
> Those  of  us left are civil, tolerant and
> reasonable in the main.  We
> still have a ways to go but then we are always going
> to have a ways to
> go.   Perfection doesn't seem destined for this
> world but that doesn't
> mean  we  should  stop  trying.   If  our 
> governments, militaries and
> economic  entities want to play at division let the
> common people play
> at peace and cooperation.  Much has been achieved
> with more to follow.
> There is always hope for change.

Yes there is!!

Best Regards and Happy New Year!!,

Peter G.

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