  Well said!


On 6/6/05, Greg  Harbican <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No, up till 9/11 most people entered the military for one of two reasons. 
> The first and most popular reason is Education. 
> They think that it will be an easy way the get an education, without having
> to work hard to get a scholarship or the need for a loan. 
> The second reason, is that they want money for something and they currently
> don't have enough.  
> I have heard some of their complaints, and almost always it's along the
> lines of " When I signed up almost _______  yrs ago, there wasn't any war.  
>  I did it because I wanted to get 'an education' or 'the education benefit's
> or 'to get a job and skills for a job when I get out', not to kill people or
> get killed". 
> Many of them think that they are using the military, for their own
> purposes/benefit, but, then when they are told that they can not get out
> when the going gets rough, they cry "Not fair!" 
> The facts are: 
> *The military is just like any other company trying to get you to join, in
> that it is going to push the fun exciting stuff, while under emphasizing the
> bad. 
> *Anyone that thinks they can join the military and be subject to the
> possibility of being killed or having to kill, is living a dream that has no
> connection to reality. 
> *Anyone that thinks that the military can't or will not alter their terms of
> enlistment in a time of crisis is dreaming. 
> *Anyone that does not read the fine print on any contract before they sign,
> is a fool. 
> *All it takes is some checking, to find out what being in the military is
> really like.    There are to many people in ( and now out ) of the military
> to say what it was like. 
> Any person, in any job, that think that they can take the good and leave the
> bad, has another think coming. 
> Greg H. 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Michael Redler 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, June 03, 2005 12:44 
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] New York : DA Drops The Charges Against Carol Lang 
> "To enter military service and then say, I dont want to go there! or
> I don't want to do that! is simply childish selfcenterdness (sp)." 
> Well Larry, if that were true, we would have an increasing number of "self
> centered objectors" instead of conscientious objectors. Most people who join
> the military, do so with a belief (faith) that their commander-in-chief will
> make the right decisions. When they don't, it is no exaggeration to look at
> it as a breach of contract. You have every right to object to improper use
> of the military (that would be YOU, if you are a soldier) due to the fact
> that your government did not work with you in good faith. 
> Conscientious objectors are often examples of fearless objectivity and
> heroism. They see war during their time as a divisive instrument of policy
> and not a mechanism for self defense. 
> Mike 
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