>Whenever MLK came to town you knew you either gave him what he 
>wanted or you would have violence on your hands.
>The man was not a saint but he was very good at what he did.  That's 
>why he had to be killed.

And so that proves your point, there's no such thing as peaceful 
protest, it's just a sham?

Why not answer the rest of the question Gary? It went like this:

>>>I guess we need
>>>ask: what would Martin Luther King Jr or Ghandi do?
>>Who would Jesus bomb?
>The moneylenders in the temple?
>>"Peaceful Protest" always had the promise of riots behind it.
>I don't think so.

So what about Gandhi? And indeed Jesus? Let's have a look at the 
global protests since Seattle in 1999, what about them?

>On  14Apr, 2006, at 4:41 AM, Keith Addison wrote:
>>>"Peaceful Protest" always had the promise of riots behind it.
>>I don't think so. I

In fact why not answer the rest of the post, just for a change? Here it is:

>>>I guess we need
>>>ask: what would Martin Luther King Jr or Ghandi do?
>>Who would Jesus bomb?
>The moneylenders in the temple?
>>"Peaceful Protest" always had the promise of riots behind it.
>I don't think so. It's always a possibility, but with exceptions the 
>protestors don't seek it, when they say it's a peaceful protest they 
>usually mean it and try hard to prevent it becoming anything else. 
>Violence is often deliberately provoked, often by plants in the 
>crowd, or you just get attacked or shot anyway without any of the 
>niceties. If there's such a promise it might not be the protestors 
>who make it.
>>>Peace with justice, D. Mindock
>>Did that ever really exist?
>29. King Asoka. Wells, H.G. 1922. A Short History of the World
>21. A Kingdom of Agricultural Art in Europe, "Reconstruction by Way 
>of the Soil", G. T. Wrench, 1946
>22. An Historical Reconstruction, "Reconstruction by Way of the 
>Soil", G. T. Wrench, 1946
>There are others.
>Anyway, did peace with justice ever not exist? They exist all the 
>time, maybe in most places most of the time.
>But you mean on the level of societies, nation states, empires, 
>globally. There are good examples, and they may represent the human 
>norm more than the score-tag of history might indicate - maybe it's 
>what we naturally do if only we can solve the problem of power which 
>has oppressed us for the last 10,000 years and more. We do often 
>solve it, in our communities and beyond. Power is probably a problem 
>of scale, beyond which human affairs cease to be strictly human. 
>History is the tale of the powerful. We'll see about the future. The 
>obstacles to peace and justice are easy to see, especially these 
>days. It's not something to be sceptical about, it's something to 
>insist on.
>Great kings is what it took. Now all it needs is the Internet. IMHO.

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