Okay, let's take this in chunks.

Yes, there is peaceful protest but how effective is it really?  It's not.  It doesn't get much media coverage and gets ignored or forgotten if it is reported.

People Power in the PI?  Again the threat of violence was there, there were isolated incidents if I remember correctly.

Where MLK went there were often riots, big or small.... okay, small riot is an oxymoron but you get the idea.  MLK spoke constantly of non-violence but there were the agitators in the back that kept things on edge.  Did MLK secretly coordinate with them?  Who knows.  All I'm saying here is without the iron fist inside the silk glove you won't be taken seriously.

Sorry if it appears I'm stomping on one of your heros but I see very few people as saints be they good or bad.  Politics are everywhere no matter what your agenda be it for good or bad.  Someone once said that if you were not into politics, you will be done in by politics.  

On 14 Apr 2006, at 10:20, Keith Addison wrote:

Whenever MLK came to town you knew you either gave him what he 

wanted or you would have violence on your hands.

The man was not a saint but he was very good at what he did.  That's 

why he had to be killed.

And so that proves your point, there's no such thing as peaceful 

protest, it's just a sham?

Why not answer the rest of the question Gary? It went like this:

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