Hi Robert,

I have two bins at the moment.  The first is the plastic high tech made from
recycled bottles.  The second is ultra low tech.  A big cardboard box.

Of the two I like the box better right now.  That might change.  I like the
idea that when the box cannot be used for a composter I can compost it.


On 12/9/06, Tom Irwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Robert,

I use wood posts stacked like a log cabin. It´s open on one side. I don´t
use treated wood anywhere. So avoid that poison. If the wood rots in time I
replace it.

Tom Irwin

From: *robert and benita rabello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>*
Subject: *[Biofuel] The Death of a Compost Bin*
Date: *Fri, 08 Dec 2006 17:01:49 -0800*

Although I don't do all of my composting in a bin, nearly all of our
household table scraps and the entire collection of waste from our bunny
cage went into a black plastic compost bin.  Please note the past tense verb
. . .

About a week or so ago, we had a blast of arctic air sweep through this
area.  Temperatures plummeted and with the outflow winds howling out of the
east, windchills of -20 C lasted for two or three days.  (I know that some
of you further east will probably laugh at this, but for those of us who
live near the ocean, -20 is pretty cold!)  The moisture in my compost bin
expanded as it froze, literally warping or shattering the plastic bin.

The whole thing actually fell over this morning.  I went out to clean up
the mess and found the top third of the contents completely preserved and
uncomposted (big surprise, it's been cold, right?), the middle third
consisted of a singular mass of partially composted, frozen material, while
the bottom third remained warm enough to keep on decomposing.

But the composter is toast.  I'll have to construct another one because
I'm NOT going to use plastic again . . .  What do the rest of you use for
compost bin construction material?

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
"The Long Journey"
New Adventure for Your Mind

Ranger Supercharger Project Pagehttp://www.members.shaw.ca/rabello/

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