>Just check the ingredients (if you can) used to manufacture charcoal

Really? Damn. Hm. I see brown coal and paraffin, nothing more sinister though.



>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
>Keith Addison
>Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2008 2:10 PM
>To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Depleted Uranium Shells Used by U.S. Military Worse
>Than Nuclear Weapons
>Hi Andy
>I wonder what happened to the US plans to recycle radioactive nuclear
>wastes into common household appliances like kitchen cutlery and
>babies' prams and so on? The proposals came up a couple of times. Did
>they just drop it or are they going ahead without telling anybody?
>Similar sort of insanity to industry's "reycling" thousands of tons
>of hazwastes - lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury and so on - as fill
>for fertiliser, which US farmers happily spread on their fields to
>grow their food crops. All perfectly legal too.
>>The fact that it pollutes the immediate area, its users as well as anyone
>>the area of its firing is not important to the US Government, nor will it
>>ever be.
>I'm sure you're right about that. :-(
>>Here in Florida we have 'gypsum stacks' which are huge piles of ... Gypsum
>>by-product from the processing of phosphate to "fertilizer".  It is
>>(very low level) radio-active, and as such cannot be used for road beds,
>>construction etc.  I'll bet that DU is stronger, and worse for the
>>And excreted or not, we are seeing high rates of deformities in babies in
>>Afghanistan, Iraq, (where the DU is used) and among returning soldiers'
>>families as well.
>>DU is a great way to dispose of waste products that normally would not be
>>allowed to be disposed of most places in the US.  Why not make it into
>>munitions (yes, its high density makes it a perfect armor piercing weapon).
>>The fact that it pollutes the immediate area, its users as well as anyone
>>the area of its firing is not important to the US Government, nor will it
>>ever be.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
>>Chip Mefford
>>Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 1:32 PM
>>To: sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Depleted Uranium Shells Used by U.S. Military Worse
>>Than Nuclear Weapons
>>Chip Mefford wrote:
>>>   Craig Barrett wrote:
>>>>   Hmmmm... while DU may be dangerous, this article doesn't help much with
>>>>   way it's written - poor use of statistics, no references to support its
>>>>   claims.  It's exactly this kind of shoddy work that causes the raising
>>>>   the skeptical eyebrow at those who're fighting against things like DU.
>>>>   is a real pity because I think it hampers what might otherwise be a
>>>>   good cause.
>>>   Wholly agreed.
>>   >SNIP
>>I kinda want to change my language, but it's already posted, so I'll
>>just add my after-thoughts.
>>Point, my use of 'non-issue' just doesn't feel right. But it really
>>does seem that the who has really played this down.
>>Point. I agree with the basic premise of the original article.
>>However, this statement "The genetic future of the Iraqi people, for the
>>most part, is destroyed. The environment now is completely radioactive."
>>I've read before, elsewhere, I can't substantiate it.
>>Against the background radiation of other areas in the region, yeah,
>>it's up a bit. And it's my feeling/opinion, that a 'bit' is a huge
>>amount, but with what passes for 'expertise' in these areas, folks
>>seem to think that's okay, when going for health expert citations.
>>See the who report I linked earlier.
>>yes, I think that service folks are paying a terrible price, and the
>>people of the area we all call Irag are paying a staggeringly price
>  >orders of magnitude above.
>>This is all happening whether there is 'consensus' by us or not.
>>Uranium is just fine, left in the ground, in it's natural state,
>>unrefined, and not touched, the way it should be. Doing anything
>>else with it, is just insane. That's my take.
>  >Proving that, otoh, has proven to be pretty difficult.

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