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Lots of stuff snipped, my only comment inline below
(leaving thread intact, because it's a very good thread)

Keith Addison wrote:
| Hi Chip
|> Keith Addison wrote:
|>>  http://www.grain.org/seedling/?id=552
|>>  Seedling  > July 2008
|>>  The food emergency and food myths
|>>  Why Bush is wrong to blame Indians for the rise in food prices
|>>  Vandana Shiva *
|> I really enjoy Vandana Shiva's input. It's clueful and very well
|> thought out.
| Yes, isn't it. She's good value, always worth the read.
|> That said;
|>  >SNIP
|>>  agribusiness in the current food crisis, both through speculation and
|>  > through the hijacking of food into biofuels,
|> I keep hearing about this 'hijacking of food into biofuels' argument.
|> Anyone have the numbers to back this up?
| Some. At the UN food summit in Rome last month:
| Ed Schafer, the US agriculture secretary, said the production of
| biofuels contributed less than 3% to the recent rapid rises in food
| prices but that assertion clashed with estimates by the International
| Monetary Fund, that they are responsible for 20-30% of the price
| rises.
| A FAO document distributed yesterday said: "Biofuels accounted for
| 59% of the increase in global use of coarse grains and wheat between
| 2005-2007, and 56% of the increase in vegetable oils."

I am having a really hard time buying this (pun intended)

Unless so-called 'food' is being diverted to biofuel production
along the lines of 59%, I just don't see how this can be so,
in the misapprehended context of 'market demand' aka,
supply and demand.

| -- "US attacked at food summit over biofuels - Corn ethanol
| production blamed for price rises - American delegation rejects link
| by UN official," The Guardian, Rome, June 4, 2008
| http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2008/jun/04/biofuels.food

What percentage of corn (that weird yellow #2 frankencorn stuff)
is being 'diverted' to ethanol production?

I know that the 'American delegation' really isn't exactly a
great go-to place for solid un-molested empirical data, however,
, ,

| The American agriculture secretary, Ed Schafer, has told American
| reporters that increasing the production of corn ethanol is "the
| right policy direction". Corn prices rose on the world markets
| throughout the last hours of the summit.
| -- "Food summit fails to agree on biofuels," The Guardian, Rome, June
6, 2008
| http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2008/jun/06/food.biofuels
| Biofuels are responsible for 30 percent of the increase in global
| food prices, pushing 30 million people worldwide into poverty, aid
| agency Oxfam said in a report on Wednesday.
| -- "Oxfam says biofuels pushing 30 million into poverty," Reuters, Jun
25, 2008
| http://www.reuters.com/article/environmentNews/idUSL2432915720080625
|  From the Oxfam report: "Another Inconvenient Truth - How biofuel
| policies are deepening poverty and accelerating climate change," 25
| June 2008
| Download the full report (58-page pdf)
| Oxfam estimates that the livelihoods of at least 290 million people
| are immediately threatened by the food crisis, and the Bank estimates
| that 100 million people have already fallen into poverty as a result.
| Thirty per cent of price increases are attributable to biofuels,
| suggesting biofuels have endangered the livelihoods of nearly 100
| million people and dragged over 30 million into poverty.

Okay, I don't doubt the numbers here. But I'm still having a difficult
time seeing a correlation between non-food corn overproduction,
and global food prices.

| The IMF estimates that last year they accounted for almost half of
| the increase in demand for major food crops. (IMF World Economic
| Outlook, April 2008)
| The OECD has estimated that between 2005 and 2007, almost 60 per cent
| of the increase in consumption of cereals and vegetable oils was due
| to biofuels. ('Rising Food Prices: Causes and Consequences', OECD,
| paper prepared for the DAC High Level Meeting, 20-21 May 2008.)
| Commentary by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) suggests
| biofuels may explain 10 per cent of recent food price rises.
| The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) estimates
| that biofuels explain 30 per cent of food price rises, an estimate
| corroborated by the IMF.
| (For IFPRI commentary, see
| www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2008/feb/26/food.unitednations. Also
| see IFPRI (2008) 'Biofuels and Grain Prices: Impacts and Policy
| Responses'. Simon Johnson, Chief Economist of the IMF, estimated that
| biofuels account for '20-30 per cent' of price rises on The Today
| Programme, BBC Radio 4, 14 April 2008. For FAO commentary, see:
| www.ft.com/cms/s/0/a503b8ce- 131a-11dd-8d91-0000779fd2ac.html)
| Research from the World Bank puts the contribution of biofuels even
| higher, at 65 per cent. (D. Mitchell (2008) 'A Note on Rising Food
| Prices', World Bank, cited in 'Soaring Food Prices: Facts,
| Perspectives, Impacts and Actions Required', FAO, 2008.)
| World Bank analysis estimates that recent price rises have led to an
| increase in global poverty of 105 million people. (Above)
| Oxfam estimates that the livelihoods of at least 290 million people
| worldwide are now endangered, necessitating $14.5bn in immediate
| assistance - the same as rich countries are estimated to have spent
| on support to biofuels last year. (A. Fraser and F. Mousseau (2008)
| 'The Time is Now: How World Leaders Should Respond to the Food Price
| Crisis', Oxfam Briefing Note.)
| If recent food price inflation - of which IFPRI estimates 30 per cent
| is attributable to biofuels - is responsible for an increase in the
| poverty headcount of 100 million and endangering the livelihoods of
| nearly 300 million, then biofuels may already be responsible for
| dragging over 30 million people into poverty and similarly
| endangering the livelihoods of nearly 100 million.73
| By some estimates, the current biofuels rush, if it continues as
| forecast, could result in an extra 600 million hungry people by 2025
| (calculated as 30 per cent of the increase in poverty headcount and
| endangered livelihoods) - 16 million extra for each percentage point
| increase in food prices until then.
| --------
| Worth a read.
|> The increased 'demand' for ethanol in the US, is at least partially
|> due to the gigantic surpluses of 'feed corn' over the last decade.
|> That corn is only food in an abstract sense, it's mostly all starch,
|> not edible directly. I'm sure this year the corn yields will be down,
|> no doubt. But somehow, I don't see the correlation.
| If there is a correlation. Food & Water Watch did a study last year
| which found that in real terms the price of corn in 2006 was only
| half the 1980 price, because of a shift in U.S. farm policy to
| promoting overproduction of commodities. See "Retail Realities: Corn
| Prices Do Not Drive Grocery Inflation", September 2007.
| But with hedge funds dumping hundreds of billions of dollars on the
| commodities futures markets in the last couple of years the whole
| thing has lost touch with any kind of reality such as production or
| supply and demand. Current prices are being set by gambling on
| futures, which forces prices up, attracting more money, which forces
| it up further, dragging real-world prices along behind. The tail's
| wagging the dog. It's effectively unregulated, tax-free, and
| virtually guaranteed to make a profit.

Now here I think is a point that -in my considered opinion- gets
a lot closer to the heart of the matter.

| I also think corn yields will be down this year, whether for good
| reasons or bad ones.

Yup. count on it.

But someone help me out here, what salient point is it that I am missing?

| Best
| Keith
- --
Chip Mefford
- --------------------
Before Enlightenment;
~   chop wood
~   carry water
After Enlightenment;
~   chop wood
~   carry water
- ---------------------
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