Hello Joe

>On 15/05/2011 4:41 PM, Keith Addison wrote:
>>  Anyway, you usually say I'm more optimistic than you are, as if that
>>  explains it. Actually, it's been accepted here before that there's no
>>  contradiction between optimism and realism. So what do you really
>>  mean when you say I'm "optimistic"? Maybe I'd call it "realistic". If
>>  you take a good look at previous discussions I think you can see why.
>>  In fact it's not a matter of opinion, there's an ever-growing
>>  preponderence of scientific evidence to support it. (Though Joe went
>>  into denial over that a few months back.) Now, wouldn't it then be
>>  more rational to attribute your view of things to simple pessimism?
>>  Eg. "Robert is far more pessimistic about human nature than I am." Hm?
>Actually Keith I did not go into denial, I went into forced silence on
>the matter if you remember.  I had prepared a rebuttal complete with
>references  to support my argument from material which you seem to hold
>in high regard, but I was forbidden to post it when you put my posts
>under moderation and declared the subject closed which translates into:
>I was gagged under threat of banishment from this forum.

Oh, is that what happened, sorry.

But actually that was only after you went into denial.

Are you thinking of arguing about it again? Seems you might be. 
Please think twice - like last time, you'd only be arguing with the 
list archives, not with me, it's not a game you can win.



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