Jim Leonard boldly stated:
>Dan Chisarick wrote:
>> Apple ][
>> - Speaker only (hardly anyone had a Mockingboard or Echo card)
>> - 48-64K of memory (128K later on)
>> - 5 colors (7 really, but there were 2 blacks and 2 whites)
>Did double-hi-res ever catch on?  I saw some pretty impressive
>double-high-res stuff back in 1986, but never followed its use to

The only double hi-res game I'm aware of is Airheart by Dan
(Choplifter) Gorlin.  I'm sure there must be others.  Airheart both
looks great and plays well (although I think it sometimes suffers from
slowdown when there are too many enemies and shots on the screen.)  I
think double hi-res really came along too late for the Apple IIe/c.
Companies had moved on to the IIgs/ST/Amiga/PC/Mac.  Or maybe I just
didn't become aware of it soon enough.

Lee K. Seitz  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  http://home.hiwaay.net/~lkseitz/
                   Wanted:  Vintage Pac-M*n necktie
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