Pedro Quaresma wrote:
> >Let's say you tell me about a lot you plan to bid on.  I hadn't seen it
> yet.
> >So according to your plan I should back off.  However, I run a standard
> >series of searches once a week, and let's say it would have found that lot
> >as well.  Does that mean I should back off just because you found it a
> >couple of days before I did?  I don't think so.
> Oh, I think it is. It was either our very own Tom Hlavaty or another
> collector (R.J. Pickles, I don't think he's on the list) who taught me that
> bidding Code of Honor for collectors. And I know it's just not me or Tom or
> Richard using this Code.

If someone informs me that they're bidding on a lot that I haven't seen
before, I back off.  If someone informs me that they're bidding on a lot
that I *have* seen (and, most likely, already have a snipe order on), I
am not going to change my plans.  I will *tell* the other guy that I
already have a snipe order on that item -- that I am still going to bid
or have already bid -- but I will not "back off" of an item I always
intended to bid on just because some else asks me not to.

There are special cases, such as "I really need this last piece to
complete my Wizardry collection!" or "This box means I'll have a full
set of box variations!" or something.  That's fine; I'm not cruel.  But
asking me to not bid on something I have already put a snipe order on is
> When you're sniping against someone you know/respect/are friends to, then
> there's something _very_ wrong with sniping.

If they asked me to not bid on something I had already seen, wouldn't
they be at fault and not me?
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