> Around here, in Germany, it was 12-18 months ago. EA was the first to
> announce that cardboard boxes are "outdated" and subsequently published
> new games only in DVD cases. Others followed shortly after.

I noticed this, when I was over in Germany in April.  There was a store in
France that had some older stuff in boxes (got two European variations of
Zork Nemesis for $8 apiece), but all the new stuff was in DVD cases.  The
Simon the Sorcerer 3D I ordered from U.K. was the same way.

> Interestingly, although the manufacturing costs for manuals and
> packaging probably dropped considerably after this strategy, the prices
> for games stayed the same and with the introduction of the Euro even
> increased by roughly $5.

That's the worst part of it.  They decrease their costs but don't pass any
savings on to us.  (Same way movie theaters piss me off by showing 10
commercials before a flick while ticket prices remain constant.)

God, I sound just like my dad.  B-)

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