Wow, there are so many...maybe too many.  However, the ones that stick out
in my mind aren't necessarily the best or rarest games I have, it's the best
deals I found.  So I'll just name the ones I got for free (the deal can't
get any better than that):

Starcross (Saucer Package)
Suspended (Mask Box)
Infocom folios  -- Deadline, Suspended, Seastalker, Infidel, Planetfall,
Enchanter, etc.
Ultima II small box
Ultima II big box
Sierra folios -- Ulysses, Mystery House, Wizard and Princess, Time Zone,
I'll stop there...literally hundreds more.

How did I get all these for free?  On eBay, believe it or not, and they
weren't free...initially .  They came in large lots of stuff (usually with a
ton of hardware).  The games weren't even mentioned in the lots (so a search
wouldn't find them).  However, they were in the pictures, and I was lucky to
spot them.  I won the lots and kept the games.  I sold the stuff I didn't
want back on eBay (splitting up the items and with better advertising) and
made more than I paid for the original lots.  So the games actually made me
money.  I don't know if it's because I have less time or if these deals
aren't around any more, but I haven't scored one in quite a while.  I really
miss the old days of ebay (5 years ago! :-)

I'm also proud of my complete collection of EA flat box games...not that
they're rare or expensive.  I just haven't seen another complete
set...anybody on this list collect EA flats?


-----Original Message-----
From: John Romero [mailto:john@;]
Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 3:10 PM
Subject: [SWCollect] [ SWCollect ] What's your favorite find?

Figured I'd switch topics here since it had to happen sooner or later!

What's your favorite old software find that you have?

I have a *bunch* of old ziploc baggie games from the early days, but I'd
have to say that my favorite ones are:

(1) Pristine, perfect complete collection of Softalk magazine
(2) Akalabeth (the one with the orange castle)
(3) Master Disks for a few of Nasir Gebelli's games: Horizon V, Eggs-It,
(4) Signed copy of Phantom's Five (Nasir)
(5) Perfect box copy of Ultima II
(6) Signed copy of Cyber Strike (Nasir)
(7) Signed copy of Both Barrels (Nasir)

- John

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