> I also collect AH games.  My list is here:
> http://www.classicgaming.com/gotcha/avalonhill.htm (no history section for
> AH yet...need to get to that).  For some reason AH games are not very
> desirable on ebay (with only a few exceptions like Telengard).  AH was one
> of the most prolific publishers of the early 80's, but I guess their
> products overlapped and were just overshadowed by SSI.

Indeed, they released a ton of titles and most are relatively easily to
find, but most aren't very sought after by collectors.  It's a shame, there
are some neat pieces in some of them, such as game boards and markers.  If
anyone is looking for any particular titles, I have a boatload I haven't
gotten around to listing yet.

Hugh, I notice you list "Police Blotter" as an adventure, can you tell me a
bit more about it?  I haven't seen it on any of the adventure lists I've
come across.

> Lee just pointed out an AH game I have to put on my want
> Anybody have one for trade or sale?

Don't have this one, sorry.

My current overlooked company is Med Systems / Screenplay.  They published
graphic adventures, RPG hack-and-slashes, and maze quests in the early

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