Hugh Falk stated:
>AH was one
>of the most prolific publishers of the early 80's, but I guess their
>products overlapped and were just overshadowed by SSI.

I didn't buy many computer games in the early '80s.  Now that I think
about it, I don't think my family had a computer until about 1983.
And for a long time we only had one floppy disk for each of us because
they were so expensive.  Our entire software collection probably
consisted of AppleWriter, MasterType (my parents' idea), and
Choplifter for a year or so.  But I digress....

Anyway, I didn't even know Avalon Hill made computer games until I
found a copy of Andromeda Conquest at a closeout store.  I think it
was probably about $10, which was very cheap for software back then.
Somewhere (hopefully at my parent's house) I still have it and the

>Lee just pointed out an AH game I have to put on my want list...Incunabula.
>Anybody have one for trade or sale?

BTW, Hugh, it occurs to me that it's possible that game only came out
for DOS compuers.  I notice very little of your AH collection is DOS.

>Epyx is another company I heavily collect
>(  Again, I feel one of the
>most successful (yet underappreciated) publishers of the 80s.

I don't know about most successful, but certainly one of the more
successful publishers.  It's a shame they're gone.

Lee K. Seitz

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