Thanks for the minor deity status! I'd actually like to see what the
complete EA Apple II catalog looks like.  Do you have a list you could send
me?  Also, does that include IIgs?

That reminds me of another good poll for you guys.  I mentioned some of the
best games I got for free.  But I'd be curious...what is the most you paid
for a single game?  I don't want to know about a group of games...just one

For me it was Caverns of Callisto (NM), which I paid $111.38 on ebay.
Considering I was looking for at least a couple of years, and this was the
first one I saw, I'm surprised it didn't go for more.  (April of this year).
It's possible I've paid more for a single game in the past, but I don't
think so (I might be repressing a horrible memory).


-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Chisarick [mailto:junk6@;]
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 7:27 PM
Subject: RE: [SWCollect] [ SWCollect ] What's your favorite find?

        I spent about 22+ months tracking down every last EA title
(complete) made for the Apple ][ (flat, box, game, utility, app, etc.)
Of those by far the most satisfying to find: Marble Madness, Realm of
Impossibility, One-on-One, Arctic Fox, Adventure Construction Set.  Hugh
is a tiny god for providing the EA Flatpack reference online :)

        I have all the Apple ][ Origin titles complete (except "Caverns
of Callisto", which I missed for $5 on a newsgroup last year).  These
two sets are by far my most valued, though there are buckets more that I
prize as well (mostly RPG's).

        Both sets have at least one error-free set of disks (why collect
if you can't play)?

-----Original Message-----
From: Edward Franks [mailto:xyzzy@;]
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [SWCollect] [ SWCollect ] What's your favorite find?

On Sunday, November 10, 2002, at 12:45  AM, Hugh Falk wrote: [snip]
> I'm also proud of my complete collection of EA flat box games...not
> that they're rare or expensive.  I just haven't seen another complete
> set...anybody on this list collect EA flats?

        The EA game I have are the common Bards Tale and Wasteland ones.

Color me a classic RPGer.  :)

        To expand on your point about not particularly rare or expensive

games, I collect the old Avalon Hill computer games.  They had some
nifty hybrids (computer game with mounted map board and counters) and a
messy listing of games.  Trying to figure out what games are out there
and then finding them is the fun for me.


Edward Franks

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