BTW I have all 89 issues of Computist + the four errata issues.
The Super IOB images are on Asimov.  Mail me if you're interested in any
sort of info, etc.  I'm not great, but I've normalized a good stack that
weren't in any of those issues.

        John, if you don't mind yet another question your way... classic
game copy protection is one of those perverse fascinations of mine.
Some of them (Nassir's 4+4 encoded, spiral quarter-tracked,
self-modifying loader-that-sits-on-video-memory with a nibble-count
mess) were just unreal.  Mercifully, most schemes were home-grown
almost-DOS 3.3 variants.  When writing games that integrated with copy
protection, what considerations did you have to make?  Was development
done w/the protection in mind, or was it normal file-based code until it
was ready for commercial release?  

-----Original Message-----
From: Edward Franks [mailto:xyzzy@;] 
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [SWCollect] [ SWCollect ] What's your favorite find?

On Sunday, November 10, 2002, at 09:36  PM, C.E. Forman wrote: [Snip]
> I've been thinking about this... and wouldn't it be safer to play off
> backup
> copies?  I mean, the disk could get munched in the drive, the label 
> could
> get scratched going in and out... or is that attitude too anal for the

> rest
> of this group?  B-)

        If you can make backup copies.  Grrr.  Magazines like The
can be invaluable if you just want to make your legal backups.


Edward Franks

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