Dan Chisarick stated:
>       Mega off-topic: There are emulators for PDA's... so where are
>the joysticks?  Who wants to abuse the integrated buttons for those
>things, anyway? :)  I guess its called the "external keyboard".  Sigh.

>       Back on topic: Add "Rescue Raiders" to the list of gems.  I
>never thought I'd get that, let alone a "Demo copy" (used the cheat
>keys/level skip keys... all the levels are intact.  Demo copies of some
>titles are incomplete, some are full copies w/a DEMO sticker on them.
>This seems to be the latter.)

Guess I should read ahead before posting.  Okay, so how can I tell if
my copy of Skyfox (for the Apple II, BTW) is a full copy or not?  I
don't have any other copies to compare it against.  Any cheat keys I
should try?

Lee K. Seitz

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