Too anal?  Certainly not for me, and I doubt for most people
here...  I didn't want to blab/stray off-topic or I'd go off for 50
pages.  I image all the floppies (either normalize them or make nibble
images) copy them over a string of computers and burn the images on CD
for use on an emulator.  The same images can be used to create real
Apple disk images in the future if I want to play them on a real Apple.
I hunt originals because I want to preserve as much of the original (no
crack screens, etc.) as possible.
        Mega off-topic: There are emulators for PDA's... so where are
the joysticks?  Who wants to abuse the integrated buttons for those
things, anyway? :)  I guess its called the "external keyboard".  Sigh.

        Back on topic: Add "Rescue Raiders" to the list of gems.  I
never thought I'd get that, let alone a "Demo copy" (used the cheat
keys/level skip keys... all the levels are intact.  Demo copies of some
titles are incomplete, some are full copies w/a DEMO sticker on them.
This seems to be the latter.)  Had the original receipt and some
Sir-Tech dealer promo letter in there too.  Cool.

-----Original Message-----
From: C.E. Forman [mailto:ceforman@;] 
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: [SWCollect] [ SWCollect ] What's your favorite find?

> Both sets have at least one error-free set of disks (why collect if 
> you can't play)?

I've been thinking about this... and wouldn't it be safer to play off
backup copies?  I mean, the disk could get munched in the drive, the
label could get scratched going in and out... or is that attitude too
anal for the rest of this group?  B-)

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