Edward Franks wrote:
> On Wednesday, January 22, 2003, at 10:43  AM, Jim Leonard wrote:
> [Snip]
> > Adventures progress through decision, not action.  Since you can't
> > significantly change Mafia's story or outcomes based on your
> > decisions, it's
> > not an adventure game.  People confuse this a lot; they think that
> > great
> > storytelling equals "adventure game", which is incorrect.  Half-Life
> > had
> > excellent storytelling, but was it an adventure game?
>         No, but Half-Life swiped a number of elements from
> adventure/role-playing games to give a needed twist to first person
> shooters.  For example, the very end was definitely an adventure-style
> situation.

I don't deny that, but 0.0001% of the gameplay giving you a story branch does
not an adventure game make :-)
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