On Monday, February 10, 2003, at 11:56  PM, Jim Leonard wrote:

Weren't there any games you were obligated to pay for for the Altair? Because
that would pretty much take the crown.
Fire in the Valley by Freiberger and Swaine mentions a backgammon game (pg 63, Collector's Edition hardcover), but no details on if that game was ever sold. A number of the early games were used to demonstrate the early hardware.

The first game I can see listed in the book as being sold is a chess program -- MicroChess -- by a guy name Peter Jennings (not related to the news anchor). The book states the game sold for $10, including a fifteen page manual (with source code) for the KIM-1 micro. Ironically, that game lead to the creation a company called Personal Software. The money from MicroChess paid for the marketing of VisiCalc...

This will teach me to go look in my reference books _first_. ;-)


Edward Franks

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