> Stefan Lindblom schrieb:
> This truly sucks, but what other useful options are there out there?
> And especially for us not living in the US? Paypal have, until now,
> been a great and fast way of paying for things, and I thought it was
> very safe. But this brings everything into new perspective. I have
> sent thousands and thousands of dollars in cash overseas in envelopes
> before, but I really have no intention of going back there again. I
> would like to leave, but Paypal has got a firm grip on way too many as
> things are now.

Correct. Sending large sums of cash in an envelope to remote corners of
the earth never leaves me with an easy feeling until the money has
arrived and the seller tells me so. 

And while ago I bought some OMD posters from a guy running a reputed OMD
fanpage (OMD = Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark, a band from the 80s).
I sent him the $20 via PayPal, but my posters never got here. After
allowing time to see if they still arrive and then all the forth and
back with him (he plainly said no to even sharing the loss) I contacted
PayPal about it, only to be told that the complaint needs to be filed
within four weeks or something. I replied that would be hard for an
international user to fulfill and the reply I got then was, between the
lines, "tough luck, dude."

So Stefan again is right: Where to go if you leave PayPal? 


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