I just found a very neat Register article regarding the "PayPal Money
Back Guarantee," which is really worth a read:


It ends with this paragraph:

"This is just one very small story of hundreds dotted all over the
Internet. And these stories will continue until either a) the law
changes to pull in PayPal and force it to follow the laws and
regulations everyone else is subjected to or b) people learn the fine
distinction between PayPal and the institutions they instinctively

Yup, quite right.


> Note the part about SIGNATURE CONFIRMATION, delivery confirm not
> enough in some cases. If anyone decides to can paypal let me know,
> would warm my heart, they should not get away with this crap :)
> "The transaction(s) did not qualify for Seller Protection because:
> -You were unable to provide tracking information. For transactions
> $500
> or more in value that are initiated between November 15, 2001 and
> April
> 19, 2002, and for transactions $250 or more in value that are
> initiated
> on or after April 19, 2002, the seller also needs to provide an online
> proof-of-receipt in the form of a signature from the buyer. The
> signature is part of the proof-of-delivery service provided by most
> U.S. carrier companies, including the U.S. Postal Service. Because
> comparable proof-of-shipment is not currently available for
> electronically-delivered items, we are currently unable to offer
> Seller
> Protection for digital goods and other electronically-delivered items
> -Virtual items are not covered under our Seller Protection Policy"
> Tom
> Visit my web page for many games for sale/trade and screen shots of
> Ultima Escape from Mt. Drash,  Tom's Ultima, Infocom and RPG page

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