Ahoy mates!
Just curious about a certain trader on Ebay who seems to be alot into vintage games, with over a 1000 feedbacks. The traders Ebay name and mailadress is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
And I was just wondering if any of you have had any experiences with him/her/them.. and if so, what they are? The reason I ask.. well, I won a few of their auctions, including a high prized SSI one. I was outbid on one however, but was approached later by them asking if I wanted to pay my highest bid for another copy they had. My highest bid was more than double the listed starting price so I asked if we could come an agreement with would mean a 7$(from 32$ to 25$) cut in my offer. Listing price was 15$ so I thought that was a fair offer. No risks for them, no time waiting, and no ebay fees.
I got a very short and rude reply.
Surely more than one of you guys have dealt with them before.. what have your experiences been?
/Stefan, wearing out the hangover in front of comp

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