For what it's worth, I bought a Caverns of Callisto from them.  It was not in shrink, but it is truly near mint.  If they were in the business of re-shrinking games themselves, they could have easily done this one.  Caverns ranks very high on the collectability scale.
-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Lindblom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2003 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [SWCollect] Ebay trader experiences

Thanks for all the feedback guys, highly appreciated. I guess I was expecting to hear just positive things about them but I guess I feel a bit relieved now that I know they aren't any saints.
This whole reshrinking thing is a very nasty business. I mean, I am not as great as some of you are in spotting differences in the wrap. Looking to the left of me at my bookshelf however, I do notice that the wrap on my goldbox games seems to differ from each other. I assume that is a bad sign. And... the last thing I would do with a game is to unwrap it. Maybe stupid but..
I am sorry to hear about your bad experiences with them Tom, had I known about them before this I dont think I would have bought anything from them. Oh well, at least I know better now and wont trade with them again. But tell me Tom, I didn't see you among their bad feedbacks, I checked them before today. I assume you got a refund or something and some kind of apology from them?
Isnt reshrinking and selling things claiming them to be new fraud?
They could of course claim they didn't know anything about it.. but still... sounds like serious fraud to me.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2003 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: [SWCollect] Ebay trader experiences

SW&M have been around for a long time.  They are two people, Tony and Paula.  They run a small shop out in CA and apparently have a warehouse of older software.  They also get some of it from at least one supplier, though I've never gotten them to divulge any details.
For awhile the biggest problem with them was the question of whether their shrinked items were original or rewraps.  One of their suppliers put reshrinks on used games, and SW&M at the time didn't fully understand the collector market.  And they were in a bit of a position, they couldn't just ask their supplier to stop reshrinking because known originals were more valuable, or they'd get their prices raised.  They weren't always terribly good at identifying reshrinks and I think disappointed a lot of collectors, though, to be fair, they did take the reshrinks back and offer refunds.  They still use a system of "rating" the wrap: D=definitely new, P=probably new, something like that, which I've never understood: If you're not certain, open it and take the loss if there is one.
I did a column article on them (just explaining all this so collectors would know, nothing like my counterfeiter pieces) which got them a bit upset, but I also gave them advice on how to spot reshrinks, and I still buy from them today occasionally.  I've always had good service, never rude responses from them.  I was kind of surprised to hear they'd been rude to you.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2003 9:23 AM
Subject: [SWCollect] Ebay trader experiences

Ahoy mates!
Just curious about a certain trader on Ebay who seems to be alot into vintage games, with over a 1000 feedbacks. The traders Ebay name and mailadress is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
And I was just wondering if any of you have had any experiences with him/her/them.. and if so, what they are? The reason I ask.. well, I won a few of their auctions, including a high prized SSI one. I was outbid on one however, but was approached later by them asking if I wanted to pay my highest bid for another copy they had. My highest bid was more than double the listed starting price so I asked if we could come an agreement with would mean a 7$(from 32$ to 25$) cut in my offer. Listing price was 15$ so I thought that was a fair offer. No risks for them, no time waiting, and no ebay fees.
I got a very short and rude reply.
Surely more than one of you guys have dealt with them before.. what have your experiences been?
/Stefan, wearing out the hangover in front of comp

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