On Dec 3, 2003, at 7:07 PM, Dan Chisarick wrote: [Snip]
http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/features/2002/jul02/ 0724palladiumwp.asp

Anyway, I remember reading about how hard the emulator guys were working on emulating brutal encryption on certain standup arcade titles. That seemed effective. My guess is, if a console had 100% encrypted content on their distribution media, and all decryption was done on-chip (no decrypted data ever went over the pins on the chips), that would be pretty effective :) I'm waiting for some form of online activation system for consoles myself (for non-networked games).

The problem is, trying to match wits with someone with detailed knowledge of a system and trying to keep you out is fun. Sometimes more fun than the game they're protecting.

Hmm. I need to think through this. I wonder if the NSA would freak if there wasn't a backdoor.


Edward Franks

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