Hi Dan, all,

Replies inline:

> most of you are probably using swfmill happily to produce asset
> libraries. Some even to do more complex stuff. Some have bugs pending
> in swfmill's tracker that i haven't had the time to investigate or fix.
> You might've noticed that i haven't been too busy with swfmill since
> last summer. I think it's time to let you know about my plans for
> swfmill:
>  * i've started a rewrite of the core SWF-read/write functionality of
> swfmill- in haXe/neko. the project is (currently) called "hxswf".

Interesting. I saw you mentioned this on the xinf list. Is this code
available somewhere. It might be the excuse I didn't really want to
start looking at haXe (having previously written it off as YAPL).

>  * except for writing the core, roughly the following must be done to
> make the haxe-based rewrite as featureful as swfmill 0.2:
>     * integration of libxml/libxslt into neko
>     * xml (SAX-based) read/write functionality for the core classes
>     * adding image and font reading/conversion
>     * putting it all together, and tidbits here and there (for swf and
> svg import, if nothing else).
>    all of these are substantial tasks - and i currently have no
> intention of doing them, unless someone steps forward and offers
> funding, because i have very little personal interest in the (otherwise
> widely-used) asset-generation functionality.

Fair enough - they are substantial tasks.

>  * work on swfmill-0.2.x will continue-- from my side with "occasional"
> fixes, and probably/hopefully from steve's side, too.  anyone else is
> invited, of course. so please do not worry that this is in some way
> putting an end to swfmill as you know it- if nothing else, if the
> current version works well for you, there is no reason it should stop
> doing so in the future. it just means that my activity with swfmill-0.2
> will stay as low as it has been during the last half year or so - while
> i focus on the core rewrite, xinf, and other projects.

This was the bit I really wanted to respond to. I'll keep working on
swfmill 0.2.x so long as I have the time and people are finding it
useful. I don't know whether we'll ever get to the stage of AVM2
support, but if enough people are interested then it might happen.

I should qualify my statement above by saying that in I'm in the
middle of another book project at the moment, and I've probably got
another one lined up after that one's finished. With a full-time job
and the occasional freelance project, I don't have a great deal of
free time to spend on swfmill at the moment. I intend to get Flash 8
filter support wrapped up, but after that I'll only provide occasional
fixes when time/desire permits. However, if a particular bug fix or
feature is a priority for you and/or your company, and you're willing
to fund development time, then I'm available.



Steve Webster

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