"Mark Winterhalder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 18:55:04 +0200):

  > Don't know about the name, though...

eh, hxswf is just the swf-readwrite-library. if the haxe effort gets to have 
swfmill-like functionality, it will be swfmill-0.3 (see below).

  > So, is swfmill called "final" now? :)

there's no such thing as "final" :)
seeing that swfmill performs fine in most cases, it's probably time to remove 
the "alpha" disclaimer (and replace it with the usual 
we'll-shoot-yer-foot-dont-complain one). so i'd call the 0.2.x branch "stable"- 
implying maybe that your swfml-ll and -simple files will keep working 
throughout the branch. should a haxe-based swfmill come along, it will likely 
be swfmill-0.3 (an odd number denoting a development/unstable version)-- and 
0.2.x will stay around until 0.3 goes 0.4 (only when it matches or supercedes 
0.2's functionality).

If anyone should be confused by this versioning scheme:

  > will buy Dan a beer



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