Man, I missed a lot today.

On Tue, 27 Jun 2006, daniel fischer wrote:

> hey all,
> most of you are probably using swfmill happily to produce asset
> libraries. Some even to do more complex stuff. Some have bugs pending
> in swfmill's tracker that i haven't had the time to investigate or fix.
> You might've noticed that i haven't been too busy with swfmill since
> last summer. I think it's time to let you know about my plans for
> swfmill:
> * i've started a rewrite of the core SWF-read/write functionality of
> swfmill- in haXe/neko. the project is (currently) called "hxswf".

I've been meaning to take a good long look at haxe.

> * except for writing the core, roughly the following must be done to
> make the haxe-based rewrite as featureful as swfmill 0.2:
>    * integration of libxml/libxslt into neko
>    * xml (SAX-based) read/write functionality for the core classes
>    * adding image and font reading/conversion
>    * putting it all together, and tidbits here and there (for swf and
> svg import, if nothing else).
>   all of these are substantial tasks - and i currently have no
> intention of doing them, unless someone steps forward and offers
> funding, because i have very little personal interest in the (otherwise
> widely-used) asset-generation functionality.

You know...I'd love to bang on the code for a while but I'm intimidated. 

> * work on swfmill-0.2.x will continue-- from my side with "occasional"
> fixes, and probably/hopefully from steve's side, too.  anyone else is
> invited, of course. so please do not worry that this is in some way
> putting an end to swfmill as you know it- if nothing else, if the
> current version works well for you, there is no reason it should stop
> doing so in the future. it just means that my activity with swfmill-0.2
> will stay as low as it has been during the last half year or so - while
> i focus on the core rewrite, xinf, and other projects.
> best,
> -dan

Best wishes Dan and thanks for the info.  We appreciate it and love 


Jon Molesa
Owner - Consoltec

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