on Sun Jun 26 2016, Erica Sadun <erica-AT-ericasadun.com> wrote:

>> On Jun 26, 2016, at 10:35 AM, Dave Abrahams <dabrah...@apple.com> wrote:
>> on Sat Jun 25 2016, Erica Sadun <erica-AT-ericasadun.com
>> <http://erica-at-ericasadun.com/>> wrote:
>>> On Jun 25, 2016, at 4:25 PM, Dave Abrahams <dabrah...@apple.com> wrote:
>>>> on Wed Jun 22 2016, Erica Sadun <erica-AT-ericasadun.com> wrote:
>>>> On Jun 20, 2016, at 3:25 PM, Dave Abrahams via swift-evolution
>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>>>> -    func forEach<S: SequenceType>(_ body: (S.Iterator.Element) -> ())
>>>>> +    func forEach<S: SequenceType>(invoke body: (S.Iterator.Element) -> 
>>>>> ())
>>>>> Adding an external label makes sense here. This is a procedural call and
>>>>> using it within the parens should have a "code ripple".
>>>> I don't think I understand what you mean here.
>>> When using a procedural "trailable" closure inside parentheses, the 
>>> intention
>>> to do so should be clear:
>>> p(x, perform: {...})
>>> p(x, do: {...})
>>> vs
>>> p(x) {
>>>   ...
>>> }
>>> Anyone reading this code can immediately identify that an otherwise trailing
>>> closure has been pulled inside the signature because the call has become 
>>> significantly more  complex. The point-of-coding decision ripples through
>>> to point-of-reading/point-of-maintenance.
>>>>> That said, would prefer `do` or `perform` over `invoke` or `invoking` as 
>>>>> in
>>>>> `runRaceTest`, `_forAllPermutationsImpl`, `expectFailure`, etc. 
>>>> Sorry, again, I'm a little lost.  Forgive my overly-literal brain but
>>>> could you please spell out how those latter 3 names relate to the choice
>>>> of `do` or `perform` over `invoke`?   
>>> I read through the pull request. I grouped related modifications
>>> together, although not exhaustively. They fall under the same umbrella, 
>>> choosing `do` or `perform` compared to `invoke` or `invoking`.
>>> -    _forAllPermutationsImpl(index + 1, size, &perm, &visited, body)
>>> +    _forAllPermutationsImpl(index + 1, size, &perm, &visited, invoke: body)
>>> -public func runRaceTest(trials: Int, threads: Int? = nil, body: () -> ()) {
>>> +public func runRaceTest(
>>> +  trials: Int, threads: Int? = nil, invoking body: () -> ()
>>> +) {
>>> -public func expectFailure(${TRACE}, body: () -> Void) {
>>> +public func expectFailure(${TRACE}, invoking body: () -> Void) {
>> OK, I understand your process now.  I still don't understand your
>> rationale for saying `do` or `perform` is better than `invoke`.  Or is
>> it just personal taste?
> See below.  But in a  nutshell, `do` gets the idea across. It's short. It's 
> pithy.
> It uses a common, comfortable word. So yes, personal taste. But it's personal
> taste backed up by some statistics.

I get the reasons for `do`; I can't understand how `perform` might be an
improvement over `invoke`.

>>>>> This also applies where there's a `body` label instead of an empty
>>>>> external label.
>>>> We don't have any methods with a `body` label IIUC.
>>> You did, as in the examples just above, which you recommend a rename to 
>>> `invoke` or
>>> `invoking`.
>> Ah, thanks.
>>>>> -public func withInvalidOrderings(_ body: ((Int, Int) -> Bool) -> Void) {
>>>>> +public func withInvalidOrderings(invoke body: ((Int, Int) -> Bool) -> 
>>>>> Void) {
>>>>> For any with/external label pair, I'd prefer `with-do` or `with-perform` 
>>>>> over `with-invoke`.
>>>> OK.  Is there a rationale, or is it just personal taste?
>>> Strong personal taste, backed by tech writing. Simpler words. 
>>> From the Corpus of Contemporary American English:
>>> do: 18
>>> perform: 955
>>> invoke: does not appear on list.
>> I'm unable to reproduce those numbers using
>> http://corpus.byu.edu/coca/ <http://corpus.byu.edu/coca/>.
>> What exactly did you do to get them?
> I used a secondary webpage that rates word frequency based on the COCA corpus:
> http://www.wordfrequency.info/free.asp?s=y
>> Also, I'm not sure commonality of use is a good rationale.  I bet
>> “function” doesn't appear as often as “task” either, but the argument
>> here is a function and we invoke functions.  Sometimes the appropriate
>> word is just less common.
> 1051 task
> 1449 function
> Numbers aside, there's always a "term of art" argument to be made. A term of
> art is precise and instantly communicates the meaning to the user. 
> I don't think a "term of art" argument can be made here since invoke,
> perform, and do all communicate the same idea to the end-coder, who
> doesn't need to know exactly how the compiler sees the argument.
> In naming theory, I'd say the member name carries the greatest weight
> when using exact terms and that internal labels should accessorize the
> primary name. When using a "term of art" argument, it should apply
> most strongly to a method/function/ property/type name and less to
> supporting external labels.
>>>>> -  return IteratorSequence(it).reduce(initial, combine: f)
>>>>> +  return IteratorSequence(it).reduce(initial, accumulatingBy: f)
>>>>> For `reduce`, I'd prefer `applying:` or `byApplying:`
>>>> Makes sense.
>>>>> Similarly in `starts(with:comparingBy:)`, I'd prefer byComparing`,
>>>> I don't see how that works.  You're not comparing the closure with
>>>> anything.
>>> I get your point but I think it's unnecessarily fussy. 
>> I plead guilty to sometimes having unnecessarily fussy tendencies, but
>> in this case I believe strongly that “byComparing” would be actively
>> misleading and harmful.  Even if there's only one possible sane
>> interpretation, if readers have to scratch their heads and do an
>> exhaustive search through possible interpretations of what something
>> might mean because the one directly implied by the grammar is nonsense,
>> that's bad.
> "Comparing by" is not actively misleading or harmful but it does sound
> strained.  


> I think a well-designed language should use comfortable constructs.Why
> not use a single , plain word that describes a parameter's role. Why
> not "compare:"? It's far less fussy and it's clear.

Yes, we can do that at the cost of fluency.  Fluency isn't everything.

>>> Alternatives are slim on the ground. `usingComparison:` is too long,
>>> as is `byComparingWith:` (which still reads better but you will point
>>> out can be mistaken by some pedant to mean that the sequence is being
>>> compared to the closure), and you won't allow for `comparing:`.  I'm
>>> not in love with `comparingWith:` but it reads slightly better to me
>>> than `comparingBy:`.
>> There is definitely something awkward about “xxxBy:” for these uses, and
>> I'm open to using “xxxWith:” instead, even though as you say it's
>> confusable.
>>  if x.starts(with: y, comparingBy: { $0.name == $1.name }) {
>>    ...
>>  }
>>  if x.starts(with: y, comparingWith: { $0.name == $1.name }) {
>>    ...
>>  }
>> At some point I start to wonder if giving up fluency is best:
>>  if x.starts(with: y, equality: { $0.name == $1.name }) {
>>    ...
>>  }
> Yes.  `predicate`, `compare` (or `comparison`), `order:`, etc.
> To riff off Gerard Manley Hopkins, "Glory be for simple things, for
> short words and trim APIs".
>>>>> min/max, byOrdering
>>>> Likewise, you're not ordering the closure.
>>> Same reasoning.
>>>>> -      ).encode(encoding, output: output)
>>>>> +      ).encode(encoding, sendingOutputTo: processCodeUnit)
>>>>> How about `exportingTo`?
>>>> “export” is freighted with various connotations that I don't think we
>>>> want to make here.  In fact it doesn't mean anything more exotic than
>>>> “sending output to.”
>>> For a language that treasures concision and clarity, this may be clear
>>> but it's notably inconcise. (Yes, that is a new word.)
>> I agree, but if you want concision I'd rather stick with something that
>> doesn't imply anything unintended, such as “to” or “into.”
> I much prefer `to` and `into`
>>>>> -  tempwords.sort(isOrderedBefore: <)
>>>>> +  tempwords.sort(orderingBy: <)
>>>>> With `sort` and `sorted`, I'd prefer `by:`
>>>> When people talk about “sorting by XXX”, XXX is a property of the
>>>> elements being sorted.  Therefore IMIO that label should probably be
>>>> reserved for a version that takes a unary projection function:
>>>>    friends.sort(by: {$0.lastName})
>>> But they're sorting now, and that feature isn't in Swift.
>> That doesn't mean we should claim the syntax for another purpose.
>> I think we probably do want that feature eventually.
>>> However, `sorted` falls under another umbrella, which is potential
>>> chaining. In such case, I would prefer there be no internal label at all
>>> to allow cleaner functional flow.
>> IMO whether a method has a non-Void return value (and thus is chainable)
>> should not be the determining feature on whether we use argument labels.
> If any method returns a sequence or collection, I think it *should* be
> considered in that specific light as a candidate for chaining. I agree
> that expanding that to any return value is too wide.
>> We *could* decide to drop all labels for trailing closures (on the
>> grounds that they often won't appear at the call site) and say the
>> policy is that if there's something you want to communicate about the
>> closure's role, you simply do the best you can with the parameter name
>> and let the clarity at the call site fend for itself.  That, at least,
>> would be a reasonably principled approach.
> I like labels for trailing closures when they are  `-> Void`.  You know a 
> priori
> that the closure is used for side-effects, so if they are put into a function 
> or
> method call, the label alerts you to design intent.
> I want to omit labels for trailing closures when they return collections, 
> sequences, 
> iterators, etc. because these return types are most likely to be chained.
> If you force a label for, say, map, people will choose 
> map {  ...  }
> over
> map(label: { ... })
> because the former reads better, especially when chaining but it introduces
> bad habits, because it will not compile when used with constructs like:
> for i in map { ... } { // will not compile
>     ... 
> }

I don't think Swift wants to buy into the idea that using map without
trailing closures is a bad habit.  We strongly believe in trailing
closure syntax.  I would much rather find ways to make the syntax above
legal.  Furthermore, the logic doesn't follow for me.  There are other
ways to get that to compile, such as 

     for i in (map { ... }) { // will not compile

Why not make the argument that it's a bad habit to call map without
*surrounding* parentheses?

> But if you treat collection/sequence fp as "highly likely to be
> chained", it encourages
> results more like:
> for i in x.map({ ...}).filter({ ... }) {
>     ....
> }
> which is compiler-safe, more readable, etc, especially for very
> short-form items like:
> for var i in x.flatMap({Int($0)}).filter({ $0 < 10 }) {

I disagree about readability.  One set of surrounding parentheses is

     for var i in (x.flatMap{ Int($0) }.filter{ $0 < 10 }) {

Further, I am concerned about pervasive inefficiency when people try to
pack this kind of chaining into a for loop with as few characters as
possible.  Generally speaking, it would be better to do it lazily.

>>> Functional programming flow. I follow Kevin Ballard's rule of parens around
>>> functional elements and naked braces for trailing closures that do not 
>>> return
>>> values. This ensures the compiler is never confused at places like:
>>> for x in foo when y.f{...} {
>>>    ...
>>> }
>> ? It's never confused there; it tells you it's illegal.
>>> and instantly identifies to the reader when there's a non-returning scope, 
>>> as
>>> in forEach or GCD dispatch.
>> Why is it useful to identify when there's a scope that doesn't return a
>> value?  Isn't that already clear from whether the value is assigned
>> somewhere?  
> Enhanced readability from explicit coding intent. Trailing closures 
> *look* like a scope created by a native construct. Those enclosed in 
> parens *look* like arguments.

I understand what you're saying, but I think it's unnecessarily fussy

two-can-play-at-that-game-ly y'rs,

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