> On Jun 27, 2016, at 7:05 AM, Dave Abrahams <dabrah...@apple.com> wrote:
>> for i in map { ... } { // will not compile
>>    ... 
>> }
> I don't think Swift wants to buy into the idea that using map without
> trailing closures is a bad habit.  We strongly believe in trailing
> closure syntax.

I strongly believe that trailing closure syntax isn't always the right thing. 
For example, 
many APIs, specifically those sourced from Cocoa, shouldn't use trailing 
closures for 
"completion", "on error" handlers, etc.

// Should use argument label. Clear, easy to distinguish
    withDuration: 0.5,
    delay: 0.0,
    options: [.curveEaseOut],
    animations: {
    completion: {
        _ in print("done animating")


// Shouldn't use trailing closure syntax. The call look like 
// it's "running" the completion block. 
    withDuration: 0.5,
    delay: 0.0,
    options: [.curveEaseOut],
    animations: {
        // ...
}) {
    _ in print("done animating")

Compare with:

// Should. Elegant, simple.
DispatchQueue.main.after(when: .now() + 1.0) {



// Slightly less good
DispatchQueue.main.after(when: .now() + 1.0, execute: {



> Why not make the argument that it's a bad habit to call map without
> *surrounding* parentheses?

It's a fair question and as I have readily admitted, a highly stylized personal 
Using my style is a choice that has measurable benefits and limited impact. It 
fixes a real 
(not theoretical) problem, is never harmful to code and when adhered to 
clarifies intent at the point of use, especially when expanded to functional 
calls that
aren't pre-built into the language -- so readers may not know at a glance what 
looking at as they would with `map`, `flatMap`, `filter`, and whatever sort is 
being called
this week.

> I disagree about readability.  One set of surrounding parentheses is
> clearer
>     for var i in (x.flatMap{ Int($0) }.filter{ $0 < 10 }) {

chacun à son goût. see above.

> Further, I am concerned about pervasive inefficiency when people try to
> pack this kind of chaining into a for loop with as few characters as
> possible.  Generally speaking, it would be better to do it lazily.

Yeah, kicking myself over that. Can't Swift remind me to add `lazy` 
by emitting a warning or something? I keep assuming certain things are
naturally lazy and then have to go back and de-eagerize.

>> Enhanced readability from explicit coding intent. Trailing closures 
>> *look* like a scope created by a native construct. Those enclosed in 
>> parens *look* like arguments.
> I understand what you're saying, but I think it's unnecessarily fussy
> ;-)
> two-can-play-at-that-game-ly y'rs,

A hit, a very palpable hit.

-- E

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