12:54 -!- Irssi: Connecting to irc.subcult.ch [] port 6667
12:54 -!- Irssi: Connection to irc.subcult.ch established
12:54 !irc.subcult.ch *** Looking up your hostname...
12:54 !irc.subcult.ch *** Checking Ident
12:54 !irc.subcult.ch *** No Ident response
12:54 !irc.subcult.ch *** Found your hostname
12:54 -!- Welcome to the SubCultNET Internet Relay Chat Network boris

etc etc...

Don't see your problem. Maybe some client issues? Anyway, there are 4 
possible servers, just check http://irc.subcult.ch

> [Tue.06:07] -irc.subcult.ch- *** Checking Ident
> -
> [Tue.06:07] -irc.subcult.ch- *** Found your hostname
> and thats it .. stays there .. after 4 minutes the client disc. and retry to 
> connect. 
> will be shure in 30 minutes everything will be fine again 
> so i really would be happy when irc.swinog.ch is back on the net, there i 
> never experienced that
> Roger
> Am 7 Oct 2008 um 1:27 hat Scott Weeks geschrieben:
>> I can't resist.
>> "...if it collects any marketing stats, so what, everyone is doing that..."
>> Only from the unknowledgeable that don't control Javascript (NoScript), 
>> flash (etc.), cookies or 'stuff'.  Therefore, you have skewed stats.
>> "...There's nothing bad about companies knowing better what I might buy from 
>> them..."
>> Yes, there is.
>> scott
>> -----------------------
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