On the Tue, Oct 07, 2008 at 12:26:37AM -0700, Stanislav Sinyagin blubbered:


> going to compile anything on my desktop anyway. And if it collects any 
> marketing 
> stats, so what, everyone is doing that, and we're helping them (Coop Supercard
> for example). There's nothing bad about companies knowing better what I might 
> buy from them :-)

Actually, the Supercard (and the Cumulus as well) are quite easy
to "exploit" and throw a monkey wrench up Coops and Migros

I have both cards but I share them with my parents. That is one
thing, one can do, share the card.

Then, I don't have the card with me all of the time. (In fact I
do have them with me, but oh well...). In that case, if the
grandma before or after me has a card, I just ask her if she
wants my Cumulus points on her account. Sure they do, classical
win-win situation. She is happy, Migros database is confused
(what does the 90 year old lady buys beer, CD-Rs and condoms
for?) and the clerk won't mind anyway. 

This also works the other way. If someone at the checkout does
not have a card, why not ask them, if you can have their points
on your account? Just ask nicely, most people without a card
won't mind. Another win-win situation here. 

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