There hasn't been much talk about the database migrations here.

Are most people using the doctrine migrations functionality?  I do
really like this tool for my small projects, but on larger
applications with databases from 10 - 100 GB of data, I'm much happier
with the performance of a direct DB change script.

When it's a mysql project I use SQLYog structure comparison to create
a DB migration script to sync stage (then production) with the
development db.  I collect data change scripts from my developers (and
test these in the staging environment test)

The advantage to this is that the DB migration runs very quick as
there is no web server overhead.  The downside is that I don't have
all of the functionality of up/down scripts :(  .   Also, it's take a
decent level of change control to ensure that I have received data
change scripts from all of the projects developers.

It would be really awesome if there was tool to generate a raw sql
file from a doctrine migration task.  On 2nd thought.... I could just
run the migration scripts (in my test/stage environment) and record
all the queries, thus building a script for the production migration!

On Jul 10, 8:44 am, Eno <> wrote:
> On Thu, 9 Jul 2009, Jonathan Wage wrote:
> > They are just ruby scripts :)
> I know.
> > do this has existed for a long time, outside of symfony. I would recommend
> > using some existing best practice for deployment like the svn diff/patch and
> > capistrano approach.
> I just wish there was something like Capistrano but in PHP :-)
> --
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