On Mar 30, 2009, at 11:54 AM, Ondrej Certik wrote:
> Change:
> http://code.google.com/p/SymPy/issues/detail?id=1336
> to:
> http://code.google.com/p/sympy/issues/detail?id=1336
Yeah.  I was changing all of my sympy's to SymPy and I must have  
accidently changed the link.
> Also find a good name for the whole application, so that people find
> it interesting among the others. e.g.
> SymPy: differential equations solvers ...
> maybe you can find something better.
I'll see what I can come up with.
> I think it's good. I suggest to refactor the Notes and Other Notes and
> make it part of the application.
Notes should all included in the Application, except for the  
ramblings.  Other notes is just notes to myself to make sure I don't  
forget anything
> If you have time, one idea for improvement is to be more specific
> about what and how you implement things in each week. E.g. take your
> Notes and Other notes and make the paragraphs about each week more
> detailed.
OK.  I can't do this so well for the series and numerical solutions  
parts because I am just learning series and haven't learned numerical  
solutions yet.
> Yes, Abstract is the thing that will be visible to others if your app
> is selected and that is the thing that people will read the most. E.g.
> if there are ~70+ applications at PSF, some mentors will only read the
> abstract. Or less. :)
I'll keep that in mind.
> This very much depends on how many slots we get for SymPy and about
> the other applications. E.g. it's relative.
> But I think it has a great chance of being accepted.
> The template is here:
> http://socghop.appspot.com/org/show/google/gsoc2009/python
> I think it means what work you do before the program starts, what work
> you do before the midterm and what work you do before the final
> evaluation.
Oh.  You think it means before those dates.  I will rewrite those  
sections to mean that.
> Thanks for writing it up and I promise I will be now more responsive.
> The deadline is on Friday.
Yeah, I probably should have written it sooner myself.  And, believe  
me, I am well aware that the deadline is Friday :)
> Ondrej
Thanks for looking at this.

> >

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